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Dr. Michelle Teng (WE ACE 2020) co-founds SynaptixBio
14 October 2021 Dr. Michelle Teng (WE ACE Cohort: 2020) co-founded SynaptixBio to develop novel lifesaving therapies for pediatric...
Dr. Anaid Benitez (WEACE 2021) selected for Phase I Cancer Tech Accelerator Programme!
Anaid is developing a real-time DNA damage repair diagnostic test to assess the DNA repair capacity of tumor samples to help clinicians...
Co-Founder & Co-CEO Dr. Candice Carpenter(WEACE 2020) Launches The Boston Congress of Public Health
Dr. Candice Carpenter co-founded and become co-CEO of the non-profit organization, The Boston Congress of Public Health (BCPH), which is...
Nikolina Lauc CEO GlycanAge is developing an exciting novel molecular diagnostic for perimenopause
Exciting News Sent By Nikolina Lauc (WEACE 2020) CEO GlycanAge: "Over the last year (our first commercial year) we discovered an...
Cristiana Monteiro accepted into the Global Health Policy MSc. by the London School of H&TM
Cristiana Monteiro (WEACE 2021) has been accepted into and has begun the Global Health Policy Masters of Science by the London School of...
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